Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New! Customizable "skin" for hiding disfiguring conditions

These days, there is a custom market for just about anything; houses, cars, clothing, jewelry, pets... and now, new skin?

Finally, there is a good, natural looking solution for those suffering from large birthmarks, burns, vitiligo, scars, or any other sort of distressing skin condition. 

Microskin, the brainchild of a makeup artist, chemist, and computer programmers, is a new species of makeup. Made from a computer program that is able to customize a unique formula per person, long-lasting, total coverage is at last available to hide large, offending skin problems.
This is not a solution for blemishes or under-eye circles, this makeup is for hard-core skin issues, such as port-wine stain birthmarks, or large burn areas. A computer program is used in the very beginning to exactly pinpoint your unique skin color, and mix the correct formula. Once made, the makeup is then either applied to the body with an air-brush, or sponged onto smaller areas as needed. 

Waterproof and sweatproof, this makeup is designed to be worn for days at a time, and the only way this stuff comes off is with the appropriate solvent. (The formula is lightweight, and non-greasy, so as to not cause any harm to your skin while wearing it.)

Microskin has only recently become available in America, and was initially developed in Australia. Linda Lowndes, an Australian makeup artist who was devoted to finding a solution for children with birthmarks and scars, spent the past ten years of her life and all of her savings on the development of this realistic looking solution for those suffering from disfiguring skin conditions. 

Although using Microskin on a day to day basis is a considerable investment (consultation, color scanning, six-month supply, training, application equipment, and oil- or alcohol-based remover starts at $700) those who need it consider it money extremely well spent. The $700 can buy these people a pass back into regular society.  

Catherine Carella-Dean, a Long Island school teacher with a port-wine stain covering a good portion of her face, says that "it's so much more realistic looking that anything on the market, and it doesn't feel like your skin is in prison." She doesn't miss her life before Microskin either, revealing that "[she] can finally walk around and not get remarks or rude stares." 

Although it is heartbreaking for anyone to live with conditions that make them feel constantly uncomfortable in their own skin, at least now there is a way to look natural, and camouflage their discolorations into normalcy.

Microskin makeover on Dr. Oz:

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