Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to wear a headscarf like Blake Lively

My lovely friend, whose name I shall protect, does not know who Blake Lively is. The shame!!
I caught up with her for dinner and drinks Friday and she kindly told me she’d been reading my blog and loved the girl with the long hair. She said, I am going to do my hair like her, how do I wear a scarf like she does?
I did take her request seriously and will give a how to wear a headscarf like Blake Lively below, but I can’t get over her not even recognising Blake since she has foxtel and watches tv. I think my poor friend is stuck in SATC mode and needs to upgrade to Gossip Girl.
Anyway, I digress.
How to wear a headscarf like Blake Lively

The key to this look is that the headscarf is purely a hair accessory. It’s not holding back any of the hair, it is merely placed around the finished style.

  1. Tease your hair at the crown of your head by gently back-combing
  2. Leaving some hair loose around your hairline, take a small section from each side and pin at the back to keep some volume in your hair. I did this twice, twisting the sections together and hiding the pin underneath.
  3. Take your headscarf and tie in place between two sections of your hair. Leave some hair loose underneath.
  4. Tuck the top of your ears under the scarf and play with your fringe until you are happy and you’re done!
I used a square scarf folded on the diagonal but almost any size scarf will do as long at it fits around your head.
What do you think of this look?
Maybe you’ve got a how-to hair question? Shoot me an email at thehair[at] or write in the comments below.

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