Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What would you rather: chocolate or clear skin?

After some of the things I've seen, NOTHING should be surprising anymore in terms of how far people are willing to go for the sake of vanity. 

To date, I've seen people that have picked their faces to the bone trying to pop phantom pimples (still makes me hurt just thinking about it), male laser hair removal patients that want to obliterate every strand of hair on their bodies, women who have secret jobs to finance their Botox addictions (without their husbands finding out), and teenagers that refuse to go to school because of an acne outbreak. 

It's very clear: people care a lot about the way they look. 

And yet, for some reason, this recent bit of skin information still struck me as odd... 

Skin care manufacturer Noxzema recently conducted a survey which found that 57% of women would forgo chocolate for a month in exchange for flawless skin for a month! 

Luckily, the old-wives tales about chocolate causing pimples is completely unfounded-- bacteria causes pimples-- but it's interesting to see the ways that people will suffer for appearances sake. 
Would you deny yourself your favorite guilty pleasure in exchange for a temporary aesthetic change of your choice? If so, what would you skip, and for what?

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