Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 5 factors (YOU CAN CONTROL) that cause unhealthy skin

Genetics aside, there are many aspects that you do have control over when it comes to the appearance of your skin.

The following list details daily changes you can make to your lifestyle to help ensure the clearest, youngest, healthiest looking skin possible, and yes-- you can do them all!

1. Sun Damage
The TOP skin offender, the sun is a major contributor to unhealthy skin. "Repeated sun exposure depletes collagen and elastin from within [the skin], making the skin less elastic, and thinner, which leads to premature wrinkles," says Dr. Callahan, a Florida based dermatologist.
The sun is a known contributor of dark-colored spots and leathery, wrinkled skin-- an obvious sign of unhealthy, aged skin. 
"The effects of the sun begin as soon as we are exposed to it at an early age. Years later, we start to see the brown spots, red spots, and wrinkles, and, if there is extreme damage, precancerous patches and skin cancer can also occur" shares NY dermatologist Dr. Michael Kurzman.
In addition to premature aging, the sun can also worsen acne-prone skin. As the surface of the skin becomes inflamed in response to the sun's rays, your skin is unable to properly shed and exfoliate itself, leading to debris trapped within pores. While a tan might momentarily even out your skin tone to camouflage the presence of acne, in the long run sun exposure makes problematic skin that much worse. 
To prevent against all forms of sun damage, a sunscreen should worn daily. (Solise, a new bodywash with sunscreen built-in, is a great solution, as it covers every body part you would wash in the shower or bath, leaving you protected without the application time.) 

2. Smoking Cigarettes
As you've undoubtedly been told for years, smoking is extremely bad for you in many aspects-- although we are just going to concentrate on the skin related side-effects here. 
Smoking is the antithesis to skin-care, as it depletes the body of Vitamin C and accelerates the break-down of collagen and elastin. In addition to breaking down the skin from the inside out, the chemicals in cigarettes also suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving it feeling and feeling dry. 
The solution sounds easier in theory than it probably is in practice: quit smoking. 

3. Dehydration
When the body is dehydrated, your organs become dehydrated too-- and as your body's largest organ, your skin is no exception. If your body is dehydrated, your skin will feel very dry and inflexible, your overall skin color will be flat, and fine lines and wrinkles may be prevalent than normal. 
Drinking plenty of water is the best way to keep the body hydrated. (If you don't like the taste of plain water, add some lemon or cranberry juice to it-- which will improve the taste, while giving you the extra benefit of some anti-oxidants.)

4. Poor Diet
The skin is essentially a mirror for the overall health of your body, and because your skin is so sensitive to internal functionings-- if you are putting bad stuff into your body, it will show on the outside. Since the skin is a functioning organ, when not enough vitamins and minerals are ingested, the skin suffers.
Try to frequently eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, or if your lifestyle absolutely cannot support a healthy diet-- at least incorporate some Vitamins into your daily routine.

5. Lack of exercise
Similarly to how smoking negatively affects multiple aspects of your health, exercise has multi-fold benefits. In addition to keeping your heart and lungs healthy, you are also stimulating the lymphatic system which keeps everything moving in your body-- including your blood. Proper blood flow is crucial as it provides a healthy glow to the skin, while also giving your underlying cells the fuel it needs to function properly. 
It goes without saying that you should try to exercise as much as possible, but in regards to your skin-- make sure to wash your face as soon as you can afterward to prevent any sweat-induced break-outs.

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