Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to get the most out of your Latisse

Considering this is advice I share on an almost daily basis, it was a head-smacking moment when I realized I had yet to post a blog article about the ways to get the most of your teeny, tiny little Latisse bottle. 

It is no secret that I am a HUGE fan of Latisse, as are all of my patients. (The rumors about Latisse changing the color of your eyes or darkening your eye-lids, is sensationalized for the media's sake, as it has no bearing on reality. My light blue eyes haven't changed color one bit, nor have the light eyes of Latisse's new spokesmodel, Claire Danes.) 

Everyone who has tried it, gets results. Granted, the results range from just super long and thick, to almost mutant status (in the best way possible), where the lashes get so long that they look fake-- even without mascara. But like any addiction, Latisse users really like the results they get, and want to keep using-- which leads to Latisse's biggest downfall: it's price-point. 

At $126 per kit, Latisse is definitely a significant eye-lash investment. Allergan (the company that makes it) recommends using a kit per month, which roughly adds up to over $1,000 a year on eye-lashes! That is a lot of money, especially considering today's shaky economical environment. 

After years of use, I have developed a fool-proof way to fully maximize the contents of that tiny Latisse bottle, so that instead of a month, one bottle can last me over 4+ months. It all depends on the application method...

Your Latisse kit comes in a substantially sized box, but once you open it up, it is often shocking to see how little the Latisse bottle actually is.

The majority of the kit is made up of plastic applicator brushes, which Allergan recommends using two of for each application. (One brush per eye, and then in the trash they go.) The brushes are chunky and clumsy, and the cheap plastic bristles don't absorb the liquid, so you go through way more drops than necessary just trying to get it on your eye-- and this is why it is the recommended application. By following Allergan's directions, you go through Latisse extremely quickly, and would definitely another kit after 30 days. 
The application technique is the key to my entire Latisse trick. In order to get the most from your bottle, you have to use it as sparingly as possible, which means using a brush that actually holds the liquid, and absorbs only as much as you need. 

Instead of the wasteful brushes Allergan supplies, my best success has come from a lipstick brush. Retractable, with a lid, and nice, soft bristles, these brushes can usually be found inexpensively at any drugstore, and absolutely anywhere online

By using a brush like this, you can control more precisely the liquid you are using. 

Make sure your lipstick brush has a lid-- this way your brush never fully dries out, and never has to be fully re-saturated. The bristles on a brush like this are absorbent, and hold just enough liquid to adequately apply across your lash-line. (In addition, these brushes can be periodically washed if needed.)

These days, when I need a new kit I just take the little bottle out and put it in my make-up case. Instead of just throwing them out, I take the included applicator brushes and store them with my arts & crafts supplies. You never know when disposable paint brushes might come in handy... and that's about the only thing they're good for. 

This application method will definitely allow you more mileage from the 3mL bottle.  

Do you have any Latisse tricks and/or tips?

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