Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter-proofing your legs

"I do some of my best thinking in the bathroom...."

This lead-in left me unsure about where my patient was going with the conversation. 

She stood up and started to unbutton her pants, while I desperately hoped my face portrayed the professional stoicism I was trying to project.

 Uncommon way to bring up something very common
"So the other day, while I was --you know, in the bathroom-- I looked down at my legs, and saw all of these bumps everywhere." 

At this point, she unceremoniously dropped her pants to show me the exact bumps she was talking about. Sure enough, tiny flesh colored bumps covered her legs. 

When Winter and your wardrobe conspire against you...
 Although a mildly uncomfortable way to bring up her concern, the bumps covering her legs were actually quite normal.
As the weather gets colder, a bunch of things happen all at once. The indoor heat, outside cold air, and increased use of hot water (for bathing) saps all of your skin's natural moisture, leaving it extremely dry. Dry skin, encased in the popular constricting styles of today (skinny jeans, leggings, jeggings, tights, etc.), create the most ideal set of circumstances for in-grown hairs galore-- which is exactly what my straight-forward patient was suffering from. 

After shaving her legs, her seasonally dry skin blocked her pores, making it hard for her growing hair follicles to break through the skin. Her penchant for tight pants made it even harder for the hairs to grow properly, and break through the skin.

With no exit-way to allow for growth outside of the body, the hairs were instead forced to curl in on themselves and continue their growth underneath the skin. Hence, the plethora of in-growns. 

Year-round smoothness...
Because the mechanics of this problem are easily understood, this is one winter skin care concern that's easily preventable.
  1. When bathing, begin by washing the problem areas with an anti-bacterial soap. I'm particularly partial to Dial, but use whichever brand you like. The anti-bacterial properties will help cut down on the existing infected hair follicles, while preventing additional in-growns from occurring.
  2. Increase your exfoliating! Exfoliating your legs can benefit you in many ways. If you exfoliate before shaving, you may notice a better, more even shave. If you're not shaving, exfoliate anyway! Removing the build-up of dead, dry skin-cells will help get rid of existing in-grown hairs, and allow new hairs to grow easier.
  3. When you get out of the shower, make sure to give yourself a quick application of moisturizer. Lubriderm and Vaseline both make nice, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) lotions that will keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
  4. Finally, allow your legs to "breathe" as much as possible. You can continue to wear tight bottoms, but try to at least wear loose pajamas, and perhaps looser fitting pants a couple days a week. 
It's speculated that Philadelphia is in for another winter like the one we had last year, but by following the above steps you can make sure to have beach-ready legs regardless of the snow onslaught just beyond your window... and perhaps I can be spared from future surprise pants-droppings.

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