Monday, January 24, 2011

Botox proven to improve quality of life

It's no surprise to hear that Botox has been proven to increase a person's self-esteem-- who wouldn't feel better about themselves after having their fine lines and wrinkles erased?

However, it is interesting to hear that aside from self-esteem improvement, new studies show that Botox actually increases a person's quality of life, across the board...
In November 2010, researchers for the journal of Dermatologic Surgery conducted an experiment where 100 patients were given either Botox injections, or placebo saline injections. The participants were surveyed before the injections, and then again 2 weeks, and 3 months later. Questions asked were related to quality, satisfaction, and happiness of the participant's lives.
Once the results of all three surveys were tabulated (before injection, immediately after, and a few months after), the patients who received the real Botox injections showed statistically significant improvements in a wide variety of emotions related to self-esteem and quality of life; such as physical health, mood, household activities, overall life satisfaction, body satisfaction, self-consciousness, intelligence, self-worth, appearance, comprehension, weight satisfaction, attractiveness, and sense of well-being.
These findings tie into an idea suggested more than a century ago, when it was first suggested that facial expressions can send a message to the brain that influences emotions. For example, if the simple act of smiling can help make you feel happy, than frowning can negatively affect your mood. If the patients that were injected with the real Botox were physically unable to make the faces associated with stress/anger/upset, perhaps they were likewise spared from feeling those according unhappy emotions? 

For all of the good that Botox can accomplish, (anti-aging, anti-sweating, anti-migraine, perhaps anti-depression, etc.) it is definitely time for Botox to lose it's negative social stigma. Instead of looking at Botox like it's something to be ashamed or embarrassed about, it should be seen as the new Band-Aid or Tylenol, with a useful application for many a variety of ailments.

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